Warehousing and moving product is simple when you cut through all of the paraphernalia – getting your product from point A to point B seamlessly. It gets complicated when you add multiple forklifts, racking systems that no longer hold your increasing inventory, and safety concerns because of your growing workforce. Most warehouse managers will ask “where can I cut overhead costs,” but really, the question is how can your warehouse function more efficiently?
It’s all in the Data
The information age has flooded our businesses with the resounding noise of technology. From computers to email, cell phones to automation, technology is a boon for any organization looking to improve their warehouse practices. But the key to the kingdom is data – data that can tell you what you need to know anywhere, anytime.
Who, What, When, Where?
With the number of moving parts in your warehouse – forklifts, products, and people to name a few – knowing where all of your equipment is at any given moment is essential to understanding your bottom line. Understanding your total cost of operation provides business intelligence you wouldn’t otherwise have without the fleet management technology to assess productivity and maintenance needs in your facility.
Unfortunately, many fleet managers don’t know their fleet utilization. When only half of your fleet is used 50% of the time, this creates an unnecessary high overhead cost that your business shouldn’t have to “deal with” any longer. You can change it. Products like Hyster Tracker and Yale Vision give you the in-depth, at a glance visibility into which forklifts are used in different parts of the warehouse and how long they’re used for.
Operational Insight
The flood of technology has not only made it easier to monitor your fleet, but it has also created a massive need for trained and skilled forklift operators behind the scenes. Forklift operators are required to have mastered several skills and acquired their license before operating the machine, according to OSHA. This includes everything from virtual reality training and certification to comprehensive written and safety programs as well.
Needless to say, your freshest employee may be a bit nervous before they start buzzing around the warehouse on their assigned truck. With the right telematics system for your warehouse, you can give your newest team members the peace of mind. These telematics systems ensure the truck won’t drive until the operator has performed all of the OSHA or industry mandated checklists.
For more information about fleet management, warehouse design, or automation options, give us a call. We’re happy to visit your facility to close any potential productivity gaps.